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      the company                       

Inventarium SR&D (ISRD) is a Portuguese based company with headquarters 20km south of Lisbon. It is committed to develop new products in the security and defense sector for Law Enforcement, Military and Private security applications.
The company works with the most reputable institutions worldwide in the defense area and it is fully licensed to produce and sell firearms, ammunitions and explosives by the National Defense Ministry and PSP - "Polícia de Segurança Pública" - the National Portuguese Police (www.psp.pt).
ISRD it is an industrial manufacturer owning a Research & Development Lab where all the products are created and developed. It is the only corporation in Portugal that can develop and manufacture any kind of military products and owns the Industrial and Technological rights given by Granted and Pending Patents world wide.
BIGGUN RPH, JET4BATON, SHOCK4SHIELD are ISRD Reserach and Development products.


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